St George’s Day 2014 By ExBudScouts on 03-Mar-2014 (updated 05-Mar-2018) In Beavers, Cubs, Explorers, Scouts / Tags: st george, stgeorge / 0 comments In 2014 the Exmouth & Budleigh Salterton Scout District and Girlguiding Exmouth celebrated St. George’s Day at Devon’s Crealy on Sunday 27th April 2014 The day started with the traditional St. George’s Day flag parade and renewal of promises before the Rainbows, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Seniors, Explorers, and of course the leaders, we’re let loose to enjoy all the rides and attractions at Crealy! St. George is not only the Patron Saint of England but also of Scouting, so we decided we will celebrate St. George’s Day, Scouting, and Guiding with pride – whilst having fun! Design a Badge Competition Congratulations to Bethany S from 4th Withycombe Raleigh Guides for winning this year’s badge competition. Bethany’s badge is shown to the right. Winners from all the Categories are: Beavers – Jago H from 7th Exmouth Cubs – Liam W from 1st Budleigh Salterton Cubs – Thomas D from 3rd Exmouth Scouts – Natalya M from 5th Exmouth Scouts – Scott A from 1st Lympstone Rainbows – Millie T from 2nd Rolle Guides – Bethany S from 4th Withycombe The winners from above all got to attend St George’s Day free! View the winning designs Further Information For more information please contact: ExBud Fellowship Scout Active Support Unit